Improve Ventilation in Your Home

July 1, 2021

Staying at home with only your family members is the best way to prevent COVID-19 from entering your home. However, if visitors need to enter your home, improving ventilation (airflow) can help prevent virus particles from accumulating in your home. Good ventilation and other preventive measures (such as keeping a distance of 6 feet and wearing a mask) can help prevent you from contracting and spreading COVID-19.

Here are some ways you can improve the ventilation in your home. Use as many methods as possible (open windows, use air filters, and turn on fans) to remove virus particles from your home faster.

Try to let more fresh air into your home.

Letting fresh outdoor air into your home helps prevent virus particles from accumulating indoors.

If it is safe, try to open doors and windows to introduce fresh outdoor air. Although it is better to open the doors and windows wide, opening the windows a bit also helps.

If possible, open multiple doors and windows to allow more fresh air to enter the room.

If opening doors and windows are not safe for you or others (for example, children and pets at home, risk of falling, triggering asthma symptoms, high outdoor pollution), do not open doors and windows.

If opening doors and windows are not safe, consider other methods to reduce the virus particles in the air (such as using CADPXS Dehumidifier and Ventilator fans in bathrooms and kitchens).

Filter the air in your home.

If you use a filter-equipped dehumidifier, ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC, a system in which the whole family lays ventilation ducts) in your home, please take the following measures to catch virus particles:

Replace your filter every three months or according to the manufacturer's instructions.

It is best for professionals to check and adjust the ventilation system annually to ensure its effective operation.

Turn on the bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans.

Exhaust fans above the stovetop and in the bathroom that exhaust air outside is conducive to expelling air outside. Although some stovetop exhaust fans do not exhaust air outside, they can still improve airflow and prevent virus particles from accumulating in one place.

If there are visitors at home, keep the stove and bathroom exhaust fans turned on.

Keep the exhaust fan on for an hour after your visitor leaves to help remove virus particles that may be in the air.

Use fans to improve airflow.

Try to put a fan next to the open doors and windows to blow air out. This helps to remove virus particles in your home by blowing outside. Even if there is no window open, the fan helps to improve the airflow.

Don't let the fan blow at people. Letting the fan blow at people may blow the contaminated air directly at them.

Use ceiling fans to help improve airflow in your home, whether you open the windows or not.

Limit the number of visitors in the home and the time spent indoors.

The more people in your family and the longer they stay, the more virus particles may accumulate.

Limit the number of visitors at home.

Try to gather in a larger room or area to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet.

When you have visitors in your home, make sure everyone wears a mask. This includes visitors and people living in your home.

Try to shorten the visit time.

Follow more suggestions for hosting parties.